Rules for flagging yachts with flags and pennants

At sea, a yacht’s flag or pennants are used to communicate, affirm, indicate, and show respect to many different people, groups, and territories. Flags have been an important part of sailing for many years and their proper use is respected all over the world. The general principle of raising the flag and pennants on each yacht is similar. The most important flag should be placed … Continue reading Rules for flagging yachts with flags and pennants

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Registration of a yacht up to 24 m under the Polish flag

The Department of Shipping Safety and Port Security of the Ministry of Infrastructure has developed materials in English on the requirements for yachts under Polish law. This is a response to the great interest in registering yachts under the Polish flag. Requirements and documents of Seagoing Yachts and other watercraft of less than 24 m in length flying the Polish flag Watercraft Registration Certificate Issued … Continue reading Registration of a yacht up to 24 m under the Polish flag

How to settle expenses for a yacht in a Polish company?

More and more entrepreneurs are planning to buy a yacht, often on lease, to conduct business meetings on it, rent it to entrepreneurs for promotional purposes. They also plan to make it available for private use by the management and shareholders of the company that is also its owner. It sounds interesting …? But is it possible at all and how to account for the expenses? And what about … Continue reading How to settle expenses for a yacht in a Polish company?